Saturday, November 29, 2008

You gotta love Rihanna

I just saw Rihanna's new video "Rehab" and it's pretty great. First, the style is amazing. The clothes she wears are so sexy. She's definitely one of today's best style icons. Aside from the fabulous clothes, can we say "Hello Justin!" Now, I find Mr. Timberlake quite attractive on his own, but in this video he takes on a submissive role that not only screams Girl Power, but makes him even hotter. And somehow Rihanna pulls it off without looking skanky or dominating. She's the one pursuing, while still being uber feminine. Very nice music video.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Pretty Necklace

So, I tried my hand at something new and I'm very pleased with the way it turned out...

red necklace 2grey necklace 4

I just love the look of these necklaces. I had a lot of fun making them. They're quite versatile too, since you can wear the bow in the front or the back and adjust the length with the size of the bow. They're even cute as bracelets.

grey necklace 2grey necklace 1 grey bracelet 1

Who knows, maybe I'll start selling them. Make my millions off necklaces.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

I'm an emotional eater

And I think I've been in denial about it. I just had the longest week that concluded with a really crappy day! I registered for classes today and two crucial classes I needed were completely full. This could set me back an entire semester! So, I'm fairly upset. And how do I deal with it? Well, after almost two weeks of eating rather healthy and exercise very regularly, I get Mat to buy cheeseburgers! And they weren't even good and kinda made me sick! I've never really thought of myself as an emotional eater. But I think I am. I had this helpless feeling after I registered for classes I didn't want and just thought to myself "Screw it!" Not a good attitude about food, for one. And as I thought about it, I do that more often than I probably should. It like I eat things I know are bad for me in order to reward myself for putting up with bad things. As a way of almost cheering myself up. And boy does it work. I usually feel sick afterward and always feel guilty. It's kind of funny how the mind works. All I can do now is try to move on, I guess. And vow to do better tomorrow... I'm still pissed about my classes though!!