Sunday, November 16, 2008

Pretty Necklace

So, I tried my hand at something new and I'm very pleased with the way it turned out...

red necklace 2grey necklace 4

I just love the look of these necklaces. I had a lot of fun making them. They're quite versatile too, since you can wear the bow in the front or the back and adjust the length with the size of the bow. They're even cute as bracelets.

grey necklace 2grey necklace 1 grey bracelet 1

Who knows, maybe I'll start selling them. Make my millions off necklaces.


Samantha said...

I love them! I hope you are making them for christmas presents! I want a red one!

Anonymous said...

These are wonderful! I can't wait to see them in person!

Keely said...

Wow! Creative! They are very cute! Yah I know it's been forever since I found out you had a blog... I'm just slow! :)