Saturday, January 31, 2009

5 things I am addicted to...

I've been tagged. I've never been tagged before, it's quite exciting. So, here goes...

1.) Coca Cola. It's a sickness, really. I'm fully aware that if I were to quit, I could easily lose ten pounds. But I'm just not strong enough. I get cravings that simply cannot be ignored.

2.) Scarves. All shapes, sizes and colors. I love all the different ways you can wrap them, and they way they add a splash of color to an outfit. Not to mention, they are usually rather inexpensive.

3.) Crocheting/yarn. I picked it up a few years ago, and I just love it. It's my favorite way to relax. Though it will give me a nasty kink in the neck if I do it for too long. But I just love mastering a new stitch and perusing the yarn section of the craft store, imagining all the wonderful things I could make.

4.) My husband. Sure, there are days I'd like to smother him in his sleep. And I'm sure he feels the same way about me. But I don't think I could go without him. The way he wraps his arm around me and makes me feel utterly safe, or the way he looks at me when I'm in my pajamas like I'm the hottest thing he's ever seen. The list would simply be too long to attempt. Suffice it to say, he makes me very happy. (Sorry, no pic. He's very camera shy.)

5.) Shoes. Okay, I know. I couldn't be a bigger cliche. And I do basically love all things fashion related, but there is truly something special about shoes. I mean, when was the last time you tried on a shoe and felt like it made your butt look fat. Shoes can make or break and outfit. And one glance into my closet suggests I can't get enough.

Wow, this was harder than I expected. So, I guess at this point I am supposed to tag people. Well, I guess I tag my sisters, Sam, Jeni and Kristine. Have fun girls!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Okay, come on guys...

All you need to do is click on the word "link." It is the link.
Here, you can copy and paste it if that still won't work.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

It's official

As some of you may know, I'm currently a journalism student. Well, my first article has been published on the University's news website, The Hard News Cafe, and I just have to share my excitement. So here's a link. I'd love feedback!

I'm with the band!

No, really! One of them is my brother. Can you tell which one?

This band is called Get Scared. These three guys have known each other for a very long time. Bradley Lloyd and Nicholas have been in a band together for almost 10 years now. They've been talented all along, but their new sound is even better than before and truly showcases their talents. They've really grown as musicians and it's apparent. I recommend checking them out. They are in the hard rock genre, but their musicality is incredible. I have very few other cds in my collection that would also belong in this genre, but I really enjoy their new songs. Check them out on Myspace.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Saturday, January 17, 2009

New Year, New Me?

Well, not exactly. I did chop my hair, though. As some of you may know I went blond over the summer. I liked it, but it just wasn't me, so I decided to go back to brunette. Unfortunately, my hair was a little worse for wear and was basically dead from my ears down. After much consideration, I decided for a fun, short cut. I like it particularly because I love the messy look. So, I'm quite happy with it...

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

What the?!?

I know, I know! I've been so bad this month! Classes started back up, and I've been a little overwhelmed. But I think I'm getting back into the groove of things, so I promise I'll try to start posting regularly again.

Friday, January 2, 2009

New Years Resolutions

It usually only takes me a week or two before I've broken my New Year's resolution, which tends to involve my weight in some way. I was resolved not to make any resolutions this year, but I changed my mind after thinking about it some more. The idea of the resolution isn't a bad one; deciding to make the new year better than the last. For me, resolutions always ended up being, well, a little one-dimensional. I mean, if I lost twenty pounds, sure I'd be happy. But I wouldn't really affect the things I think it would. Confused? What I mean is, even if I'm twenty pounds lighter, that wouldn't magically give me better grades, a better job, or a better life in general. So, this year I'm trying to make a resolution that will positively affect every aspect in my life in some way. This year, I'm just going to try to live a more inspired life. I want to find something that inspires me to be healthier, to try new things, to become more passionate. As my brother said, "life doesn't repeat itself." I keep thinking once I graduate, then I can start living. Or once I move out of this little town, then I can start living. But I want to find inspiration now. I don't want to be an observer of life, I want to live it. So here's to living inspired! What are your resolutions this year?