Saturday, September 13, 2008

Lazy dressers!

What has happened to society in the last decade? I remember when I was in highschool (about six years ago) this whole wearing-pajamas-like-they're-real-clothes thing was just starting. Girls would come to school fully dressed, and wear their fuzzy slippers. Or they'd come in cute pajama pants. I never thought it would spread to a full-on lifestyle choice. Now, whenever I go out, where ever I go, I see both men and women looking like they just rolled out of bed. And not that sexy bed-head/bedroom eyes thing. I mean sweats, oversize shirts, dirty tank tops, hair that hasn't seen a brush (or a shower for that matter) in days. I don't understand. If leaving the house and facing the real world doesn't warrant getting ready in the morning, then what does? Like those old women I've seen in the grocery store with the rollers in their hair. If you're not getting your hair done to be seen in the world, then what are you getting it done for? I've always been a fan of the casual look. There's nothing better in this world than a good pair of jeans. But I can't help but think we've gotten too casual, too lax, in the way we dress. It's to the point now that when I see a woman in a pair of heels at the mall, I think, what are you dressed up for? Does anyone else find this sad. Don't we have enough respect for ourselves to take the 15 minutes required to brush out your hair and put on a little mascara or, heaven forbid, shower on a regular basis. Seriously, what is up with the "I haven't showered in a week" look? It doesn't take much too make an effort. Does it?


Kristine Bunting said...

I totally agree! We should try and start a "Get ready before you go out" Revolution! funny about the old ladies and hair curlers part. I always wonder that too!

Anonymous said...

Amen to that! I am a big fan of the Victorian era, and everything was so proper back then. Fancy clothes, hats and gloves to go out, they'd even change every night just to go to their own dining room for dinner! I bet they are rolling over in their graves at the sight of some people these days. And not even that long ago men worse suits on a daily basis. Not that most guys would like that but we went down hill fast. I like Kristine's idea...a revolution! We could make buttons and banners and protest pretty much anywhere.