Thursday, October 9, 2008


We had an interesting assignment in one of my classes a little while ago to write down ten experiences or adventures we'd like to have in our lives. I really liked the assignment, so I decided to list my ten here. Some of them are very simple, while others may take me a few years. They're not in any particular order, and I'm sure this list will be changed and added to as time goes on, but it's still fun to think about. As mom always taught, life really isn't about the things you acquire, but the experiences you attain...

1. Live in New York City: This one is actually my number one, though I'm not sure when it will happen...

2. Learn French: I've always wanted to be bilingual. Honestly, I'd also like to learn Spanish and Italian as well.

3. Try sushi: Like I said, some of these won't take much effort.

4. Write a book and get it published: Don't ask me the subject, cause I don't know.

5. Run/Complete a 5K: Walking a 5K would probably kill me at this point, but it's good to be ambitious.

6. Visit Europe: Well, western Europe anyway; Spain, France, Italy, England, Ireland, etc.

7. Road trip the old Route 66: I've always thought a road trip would be fun, and Route 66 has to be the most famous.

8. Learn to paint: Watercolor is actually what I'm most interested in, though oil painting would obviously be cool, too.

9. Master yoga: Yoga is hard! Way harder than I expected.

10. Go on a safari: A real one, I really want to touch an elephant. It would just be great to see those animals in their habitat.

Some of these are a little short-sighted. But, I guess that way as I cross them off my list, I can add more to them. I'm sure I'll wake up in the middle of the night thinking "Crap! That should have made it on my list!" but oh well. This is my list as of right now. To me, these are more important that owning a new car, or buying that big new house (or loft, for someone like myself). Besides, those things seem to be getting harder and harder to acquire. But there's nothing stopping me from training for a 5K, or writing a book, for that matter. What would be on your list?


Anonymous said...

That sounds like an interesting assignment, kinda like bucket list but without the finality. Okay, I had to think about this one. I loved your list, Becky. Here is mine (in no order): 1. Learn CPR 2. Have a pint in a real Irish pub 3. Run a marathon 4. Learn to swim proficiently 5. Take my husband and kids to CA to show them the things I fondly talk about (Grandpa, the beach, Chinatown, redwoods, etc.) 6. See a ghost 7. Drive a race car 8. Learn sign language fluently 9. Go on a humanitarian mission to Africa for several weeks 10. Start my own home business (You rock Mom!) I hope more of you add your list to this, this was a good way to think about what you'd really do and I'd love to read some more from the family!

Samantha said... is my list, in no particular order: 1. travel to France 2. Visit all of the Disney resorts around the world 3. Attend Fashion week in either New York or Paris 4. Own my own house/condo/loft 5. Learn to speak French, German, and Italian proficiently 6. Take my husband to Las Vegas 7. Complete my Masters Thesis in a year. 8. Own a pair of christian loubuton shoes 9. Go to San Diego Comic Con with Jerry and watch his expression as he is allowed to buy whatever his heart desires 10. go on a ghost walk in San Francisco! I think all of these are attainable if I just really try!