Friday, October 3, 2008

My Bipolar Body Image

Ok, you know how they say people who suffer from anorexia or bulimia have a skewed body image. So that if they look in the mirror, they don't see what they really look like, they see someone who is fat. Well, I'm pretty sure I have the opposite problem. And yes, I say problem, because it's still a skewed image. When I look in the mirror some days I see someone who, while being a little overly voluptuous, really isn't too bad. Then I see myself in pictures, and it makes me wonder how off the image in my head is. Again, I'm not looking for any "oh, Becky, but you're beautiful" or "you're not fat", I'm just relaying an interesting thing I've noticed about myself. I don't want reassurance, I'm more interested to hear if this has ever happened to anyone else. And after I have seen myself in a picture or gone clothes shopping (a hell in it's own right) I go the other way and every time I look in the mirror, I see something I'm not so happy with. On those days, all I can focus on is how bloated I feel or how uncomfortable my clothes are. Is this too depressing, because I really don't mean it that way. I see it more as an phenomenon of the female psyche. And I must say, it makes getting ready in the morning a real bitch!


Kristine Bunting said...

I am the exact same way! In my head I look like I did at my skinniest. then I see a mirror as i pass by or look at a picture of myself and "YIKES! do I really look like that?" anyway, you're not the only one! :b

Samantha said...

Oh Becky - believe me I know what you mean. Somedays I think I am pretty hot stuff - but then I see a picture of myself and my gut is sticking out or my butt is really big. I like to tell myself it is either ill fitting clothes or bad posture. Did you know that celebrities, when they take their picture, specifically pose a certain way because it happens to them too. Also, models, when they smile, place their tongue against the roof of their mouth so they won't have a double chin! Now if that happens to them, we can't be that bad.

Jerry said...

Becka, it's not just the female psyche. Pictures are REALLY good at making us look terrible. Don't let it get you down!

Anonymous said...

I know what you are saying, I think. Kinda like what Kristine said is how I am, I have this image of myself in my head then when I look at myself in the mirror I look older, more tired, not so great, or whatever is different than that mental image. Then other days, I feel like death and I catch a reflection and I have nice shiny hair and a sparkle I just don't feel. I think either way, our head is not fully getting the signal from the rest of us.

As for photos: after I lost weight, I would see pictures of myself after having my 2 babies and think "oh my goodness, why did I leave the house" BUT I see pictures of me now and think "crap, it's hopeless", this is due to the fact that I am totally un-photogenic!! So, I can't help you there.

I think it can be summed up to women having messed up images of themselves, good and bad!

Nikki said...

I know exactly how you feel. Like I told you, when I went to girls camp I didn't even recognize myself in the pictures, but to look at myself in the mirror, I don't feel quite as big... I don't know how that works...

Anonymous said...

I know I already length, but this has nothing to do with that. I just wanted to post something so I could show you my icon thingy I added cause it is so cute.

Yes, I am a dork!

DGM said...

Check this out:

I'm trying to get a little support up to have the film brought to Utah.