Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Relief: removal or lightening of something oppressive, painful, or distressing

I got my final grades and, thank heaven, I passed all my classes. Two A-s and a C+. So, ya, I'm pretty happy with it all. Also, I played around with some green eye shadow today. I'm really starting to dig the colored eye shadow thing.

green eyes

green eyes 2


Anonymous said...

Love that first picture, that color really brings out your eyes...and good job on the grades!!

Samantha said...

Congrats on the grades! I know you were totally stressing so that is fantastic! BTW - I agree about the whole best friend thing. I have no one here I would call a real girlfriend (except Jerry, but he doesn't quite fit the bill). I get all of my advice from you guys and consider you my best friends. Too bad we have to live so far apart!

Anonymous said...

I know this is an older post, but I had to add...you look like mom in the second pic.