Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Experiences, Part two

Some time back I posted a list of experiences I'd like to have in my lifetime. Well, now I'm posting to "tag" everyone who reads this to list theirs. You could either put your list in the comments or a link to your blog with your list in the comments. I think it would be interesting to see everyone's aspirations.
Here's a link to my previous Experiences post to refresh your memory.


Samantha said...

Did you not read mine? I posted it like a week or so ago. I will put it back up on my blog. Jerry posted his also.

Unknown said...

It was so good to see you today! So this is my real blog, which I am going to resurrect now, thanks to you! What can I say, you inspired me! I also stole your 10 experiences thing!

Give me a call when you are bored at school and we can grab lunch or something!