Saturday, February 28, 2009

Not your grandmother's knitting

These are by designer Sandra Backlund from her current and previous collections. My jaw hit the floor when I saw these. I do a little crocheting, but I'm thinking I may need to switch to knitting. These pieces are admittedly not extremely wearable, but the inventiveness in each piece (not to mention the time!) is truly inspiring to me. Just fabulous.


Samantha said...

Wow! Those are amazing! I know you could easily do something like that! You are as talented, if not more so!

Candice said...

Hey! I didn't know you had a blog! (Well, I guess since you're a fellow jcom major I should have assumed) I love it!
And oh my...I love those um...what do you call them, dresses? I crocheted for so many years but just picked up knitting last year. I found a way that is almost exactly like crocheting, it's so easy to learn! I'll have to tell you about it in class. Knitting is definitely addictive!
By the way, I still need to type up those notes. I'll get to it soon! See you in class!

Jenifer B. said...

WOW! I am not sure those outfits are kid friendly.