Sunday, April 12, 2009

I need help

As some of you may or may not know, I've been trying to get healthy. My husband and I joined a gym about a month ago, and we've been trying to get into shape. Problem is, I'm not getting anywhere. No weight loss, no loose clothes, still feel like I need a nap in the middle of the day. And, well, it's pissing me off!

I've been trying to eat better as well. But I have this problem. Nothing but fat, oily, deep-fried foods ever sound good to me. Particularly lunchtime. I hate figuring out what to make myself for lunch. Everything I think of either takes too long or is just plain boring. I hate sandwiches. Cold sandwiches are just not appetizing to me at all. I have to eat on campus three days a week, and cold lunches are just never satisfying to me.

What's worse is I'm disgusted by my fast-food habit. When I'm not hungry, fast food seems just gross. I mean, we've all seen Supersize Me, right? It's quite literally poison. But when I get hungry, I just don't care and I want something hot and savory.

Savory is the hardest thing for me. If you offered me the choice between french fries and ice cream, french fries would win every time. I don't have a sweet tooth. It's not even a salty tooth. It's a savory tooth. It's like I can't feel satiated without eating something fatty.

So, here is my plea. What do you eat for lunch? Keep in mind I don't have very much money, I don't have a lot of time, and ideally, I'd like to be able to pack it with me. Quick, cheap and tasty.


Maria said...

Hey! I am willing to help! I am a health educator, I have a degree in health promotion. I don't have all the answers but I can try! If you want to email me you can!

I always bring my lunch, sometimes it isn't that exciting, but it saves money and it is much healthier! I can give you some ideas if you want!

Kristine Bunting said...

one thing that I started with Josh when we had to change his diet is I packed lots of snacks, that was his problem at first was once it was lunch he was so famished that he ate too much, so once I incorporated the snacks his stomach started shrinking. I use fruit, Gala apples are my ultimate favorite. Josh likes banana's. string cheese, baby carrots. I also started buying those 100 calorie snack bags because they are easy to pack and give you the quantity you want. the thing I like about them is that they make everything tiny so even though you are getting less you don't notice because there are a lot of pieces. Healthy choice have these soups that you heat up and eat out of the container that they come in and they are pretty tasty. Let me know if you want more ideas since i better stop writing this novel to you. Love ya!

Candice said...

Rebecca, I feel like you so much of the time. It's a never-ending battle I swear!
My favorite thing to eat for lunch is a big salad. But I'm like you in that I never feel satisfied until I eat a little bit of something fatty, haha. So I grab a huge plate, load it up with tons of lettuce and kale, then pile on the vegetables and beans. Then I top it off with some of my vegan ranch dressing that I make, haha.
I think the beans and the ranch help to make me satisfied, while the other vegetables help me to feel full. I could probably eat a better dressing, but nothing tastes that good to me right now. So I think it's a good way to get in my vegetables and still enjoy them at the same time. :)
That might be hard to pack though. Do you have a huge tupperware container?
Have you heard of Volumetrics? It's basically the idea that you eat a huge volume of foods that are low in calories so you're full but you didn't eat that many calories. Take for example, an apple instead of apple juice or a cookie. Eating the apple will make you feel full because there is tons of water and fiber in it, but way less calories than the cookie or apple juice. So when I get a craving for something sweet, I just try to eat a piece of fruit that has a lot of water or "volume" in it. :)
Sorry this is so long, but I hope that helped a little!
Oh, I do have one more suggestion. I find that when I plan things in advance, I always eat better. I try to map out my meals for the week. If I don't, then we always end up eating something nasty for lunch and dinner. Takes a little more time and effort, but it's well worth it! :)

Samantha said...

Hey cutie pie -
I know what you mean is hard to eat right....
I definitely recommend the snacking idea. That helps me a lot and keeps me out of trouble. Also, I know you said you don't like cold sandwiches, but who says you can't eat dinner food or breakfast food for lunch. Check and see if you dept has like a student room with a microwave and fridge. If they do, you can bring food from home and heat it up there. And naps, well that just runs in the family I think!

Nikki said...

This has absolutely nothing to do with this post...because we both know the only experience I have in this is my failed attempts...But, your article in Wasatch Woman is great! I love that you are going after your passion! Way to go!